Malvern Leopards

Four Malvern High School students, Valeria Moguel, Julissa Ruiz, Kimberly Valdivia and Jessica Valdivia, have earned the prestigious The Arkansas Seal of Biliteracy. The certification recognizes Arkansas high school students who have attained proficiency in two or more languages. The certification encourages students to pursue biliteracy, honors the skills students attain, and can be evidence of skills that are attractive to future employers and college admissions offices. The Arkansas Seal of Biliteracy is awarded by AFLTA (Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association) and ARKTESOL (Arkansas Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) and has been a collaborative effort between both organizations, K-12 teachers, university faculty, and members of the community.

Since March 2017, 6,017 biliterate Arkansas high school students have earned the Arkansas Seal of Biliteracy, across 108 high schools, in 32 languages other than English.

Pic. L-R Lori Valencia, Jessica Valdivia, Valeria Moguel, Julissa Ruiz
